Miguel Castaño Arranz
Ph.D. in Automatic Control
Data Scientist and Artificial intelligence Generalist

I have a strong passion for data science both in work and in personal life. I strive to create value from data and use it in real life situations.
My main strength is to understand challenges and translate them into data-driven solutions.
Check my “work” and “fun” projects for more information on my expertise. As alternative, you may check my keywords .
My work projects include a variety of industries and applications such as pulp & paper, mining, steel production, district heating, railway (infrastructure and rolling stock), military air fleets, hauling vehicles, HVAC systems, NDT ultrasonic testing, and cybersecurity.
My pet projects resolve creative problems which I find in my daily life, such as the use of a GPS-tracker to create behavioral models of my cat.
I’ve had major participation in a variety of products, innovations and tools. These relate e.g. to computer vision, LIDAR processing, design of industrial control systems, ultrasonic NDT, and data quality analytics.
I’m proud of my hobbies, which are based on striving for incremental improvements and which challenge me both physically and mentally. Don’t ask me about any of them or I will try to hook you in.

Oct 14, 2022 | Congratulations to my Ph.D. student Amit Patwardhan for presenting his Licentiate Thesis: Enablement of digital twins for railway overhead catenary system |
Oct 10, 2022 | A preprint with my latest publication is online at my web. A method for tactical matching in Swedish aerial military fleet is presented at: Graph-Based Knowledge Representation and Algorithms for Air and Maintenance Operations. Keywords: graph-throry, optimization. graph-databases, aircraft maintenance. Congratulations and thanks to the main author: Ela Olsson from SAAB Aeronautics. |
Sep 26, 2022 | Looking forward to participate today in the MathWorks workshop: MATLAB usage in HPC Computing Environment |
Sep 23, 2022 | The Licentiate Thesis of my Ph.D. student Amit Patwardhan is now online. Enablement of digital twins for railway overhead catenary system . Congratulations Amit. |
Sep 21, 2022 | Our project AI Factory is on the front page of the Swedish news. Link to article (for subscribers). |
Sep 21, 2022 | On 29th of September, my Ph.D. student Jaya Kumari will make a presentation on “Industrial AI for Asset Management” at the Sustainability Circle. Attend online. |
Sep 20, 2022 | I completed the course Dino 101: Dinosaur Paleobiology from the University of Alberta. I am having fun with dinosaurs thanks to my 3 years-old child, whose hunger for dinosaur knowledge seems to be never ending. |
Sep 15, 2022 | I've been invited as guest researcher by University of Oviedo (click to expand)During this period (November 2022 and November 2023) next year I will be working towards the establishement of a long-term collaboration between University of Oviedo and Luleå University of Technology. The focus on the collaboration will be on Machine Learning and Artificial Intellience for maintenance applications. We will explore common interest between the northern Swedish and northern Spanish ecosystems. In both ecosystems there is a large pressence of industries such as railway, pulp & paper, mining and steel production. I am honored by this invitation and more details will come soon. |
Sep 9, 2022 | eMaintenance group receives 5MSEK to research in AI for mining |
Aug 30, 2022 | My personal website is online and under construction |