Model Hobbies
I like a variety of Model Hobbies, such as building dioramas and painting miniature figures.
Building dioramas can be a very easy and rewarding family activity. A forest landscape can be quickly built using a base of paper maché (small pieces of paper mixed with water and white glue) and just gluing things such as stones that you find on the street, and other things such as modelism trees and grass.
One afternoon when my 3 years old child was sick, I decided to drive him through his first diorama. The results 2 hours later were fabulous.

Miniature Painting
Miniature painting is tough, time consumingand requires a lot of learning. I have a huge army of several hundred miniatures (Warhammer 40k), which I’ve been painting and maintaining for about 25 years.
It takes a lot of discipline to maintain your miniature army, your tools, and your paints in good conditions.
I’ve never felt very good at miniature painting, but that is perhaps why I like it. If I was too good, it would probably get boring.
For becoming a good painter you have to learn a variety of techniques and theories, such as color theory.
For good results, you should plan your miniature color schemes using color theory. The color wheel will tell you which colors are in armony or in contrast. From left to right, the color schemes used in the pictures below are: i) a contrast triad Red-Green-Blue (RGB), i) an armony triad Red-Orange-Yellow, and iii) a contriast diad Red-Green.